Merry Christmas GatorFTP Users: GatorFTP_1.8 has several new features. The new version can be found on our new archive site fat binary) BUGS: 1) In the past, it was possible to confuse GatorFTP by making Browser selections before the previous selection had finished its display. Now, the Browser becomes disabled (grey entries) until the current request is complete. This should help the new users - the old faithful have known about this for quite some time. Fixed. 2) If you define a :Directory: for the highlighted site in your FTP Sites and if you type an entry into the Site text field (below the Add ftp site button) and don't Add that site but just click Login, then the :Directory field from the highlighted site gets used, the remote server probably says 'No such directory', and Gator gets very confused. Fixed. Regards, Mike Mezzino